“I have made mistakes in my life, but I have worked hard to turn things around and set things right.
I regret things I did in the past and have worked hard to make up for them. For the past decade, I’ve been on a better path, helping others and working to prevent domestic violence in our communities.
As Senator Price has revealed this week, everyone deserves a second chance. I’m using mine to make the world a better place for our families. I would like to be given the same opportunity that Senator Price has sought this week.
I draw on my life experience when I talk to men in behaviour change workshops. The workshops bring together senior community leaders and the police with a range of community support programs.
Men need to see that change is possible. I teach them that their mistakes don’t have to define them. If I can change, they can too. I talk to them about leaving old attitudes behind and creating a new life for themselves, one that’s filled with respect and love for others.
I tell my story honestly in these workshops because truth-telling is powerful.
It helps set you free and can save lives by showing others a different path.
My teachings come from my lived experience. I have faced the consequences of my actions and am now looking at a better future, not only for me but for everyone around me.
Last December, at the Stop the Silence! End the Violence! rally in Alice Springs, I shared my story so the men there could benefit from hearing from my experience.
It’s important for men to see they can turn their lives around. I am in a good position now with my family. As chair of the Central Land Council, I am discussing the need for preventative education and programs with our members.
Last May, our council backed a proposal for breaking the cycle of violence.
If we want to stop male violence, we have to speak the truth. If you don’t bring out the truth, nothing is going to change.
Men need to know that they can take a different path, and I’m living proof that change is possible. For ten years, I’ve been on a better path, showing that it can be done. I am here to help others do the same.
It’s not easy, but it can be done. No one can do it for you. You have to take the initiative and choose to turn your life around.
For me, like for Senator Price, giving up alcohol helped make me the person I wanted to be.
My mistakes are now teaching others that they can choose a better life, too.”
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MEDIA CONTACT: Hazel Volk | 0473 644 533 | hazel.volk@clc.org.au