Traditional landowners of two adjoining pastoral stations north of Alice Springs will celebrate a native title consent determination tomorrow.
Justice Reeves will hand down a non-exclusive native title consent determination at a special sitting of the Federal Court on the Hanson River on Stirling Station, approximately 260 km north of Alice Springs.
The almost 15,000 square kilometre determination area covers the whole of Stirling Station and the southern and eastern portions of Neutral Junction Station.
The north-western portion of Neutral Junction Station around the Crawford Range was the subject of a previous native title determination in July 2011.
The traditional owners are Anmatyerr and Kaytetye speakers from 13 different landholding groups – Akalperre, Amakweng, Alapanp, Arlwekarr, Arlpawe, Arnerre, Arnmanapwenty, Errene/Warlekerlange, Errweltye, Kwerrkepentye, Rtwerrpe, Tyarre Tyarre and Wake.
From tomorrow, the members of these groups will hold native title rights over the determination area and govern how rights and interests in land are acquired and held within the area.
The CLC originally filed their native title application in July 2011, in response to mining exploration license applications (future acts).
“The traditional owners were concerned about the protection of sites and wanted to have a say over exploration on their country,” said CLC director David Ross.
“The court’s determination will recognise the groups’ traditional rights to hunt, gather and fish, as well as to conduct cultural activities and ceremonies on their land.
It will also secure their right to negotiate over any future acts, such as exploration and mining.”
Mr Ross said these rights will co-exist with the pastoral leases, which will continue to be run as cattle stations.
The Eynewantheyne Aboriginal Corporation will become the Registered Native Title Body Corporate that holds the native title rights and interests on behalf of its members.