Ranger Works

Our uniquely skilled and experienced Aboriginal rangers undertake fee-for-service contracts across remote Central Australia.
Our growing ranger workforce has the professional skills, qualifications and expertise to deliver high-quality cultural and natural resource management projects. Twelve ranger teams are trained to industry standards and hold white cards and heavy machinery licenses. They draw on additional casual workers if required. Importantly, they have local knowledge.
As traditional owners of the land on which they work they know its ecology intimately. Their environmental management practices are informed by a combination of traditional and Western scientific know-how.
Ranger Works offers environmental, civil and community services:
- prescribed burning
- biodiversity management and monitoring
- weed and feral animal management
- water, bore and dust monitoring
- revegetation
- facilities and site maintenance
- track installation and maintenance
- roadside and easement management
- erosion mitigation
- boundary and stock fencing
- gravesite maintenance
- roadworks and grading
- campground maintenance
- fencing construction and maintenance