Anmatyerr people had their native title rights and interests over Pine Hill Station, southeast of Ti Tree, formally recognised by the Federal Court of Australia at a ceremony at Desert Bore on August 9, 2009.
The court handed down a consent determination to native title applicants Lindsay Bird Ampetyane and and others on behalf of the Ilkewartn and the Ywel (pronounced IL-COW-WART-NA and YULA ) estate groups of the Anmatyerr people.
A consent determination means that all parties have agreed that native title rights and interests do exist over a particular area.
The Central Land Council lodged the native title application in 1999.
CLC Director David Ross said he was always pleased when land issues were resolved without costly court actions.
“I am extremely pleased for the traditional owners and congratulate them on this outcome which protects their rights into the future,” Mr Ross said.
“It guarantees them a seat at the table in an area known for its horticultural development and extremely significant in the economic development of Central Australia,” he said.
Mr Ross also paid tribute to the contribution and dedication of the senior traditional owners some of which were involved in the application from its inception.
The Ilkewartn group mainly live in the communities of Mulga Bore, Wilora and Alice Springs. Senior Ilkewartn traditional owner, Lindsay Bird, who now lives at Mulga Bore, grew up on the neighbouring Bushy Park Station walked all over his country on Pine Hill with his family collecting bush tucker and learning about his sites and law.
Traditional owners Dorothy Ampetyane, Bunny Ampetyane and Rosemary Ampetyane lived traditional lives at Desert Bore and also grazed sheep and goats.
The Ywel group live at Ti Tree, Aileron and Laramba.
Traditional owner Archie Glenn’s father and mother worked at both Aileron and Pine Hill stations and the family visited their sacred sites on Pine Hill on the weekends.