A native title consent determination for exclusive possession of Ooratippra pastoral lease was handed down by Justice Reeves at a special sitting of the Federal Court at Ooratippra on 5 May 2011.
Ooratippra pastoral lease is situated 300 kilometres northwest of Alice Springs on the Sandover Highway. It covers 4292 square kilometres and is owned by the Ooratippra Aboriginal Corporation.
The Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) purchased Ooratippra Station PPL in May 1999 after years of lobbying by native title holders who wanted title and the ability to run their own cattle business on their own land.
Title was transferred to the Ooratippra Aboriginal Corporation in October 2000.
In 2001, the CLC lodged the Ooratippra native title application on behalf of the Irrkwal, Irrmarn, Ntewerrek, Aharreng, Arrty/Amatyerr and Areyn estate groups of the Alyawarr language group.
The application covered the whole of the station, which includes the Irretety Community Living Area held by the Irretety Aboriginal Corporation.
As Ooratippra Station PPL and Irretety CLA are owned by native title holders, they were able to claim exclusive possession under the Native Title Act. The native title determination secures their traditional rights and, in particular, their right to exclusive possession of the land, as well as the right to negotiate over any future acts like mining.
Ooratippra can run up to 4000 head of cattle and will continue to be leased out to a neighbouring landowner who will, over time, assist in the re-establishment of a locally managed cattle herd.
Any future work will now be directed towards the setting up of the a prescribed body corporate.