Native title holders of two pastoral properties and an area including a mineral lease north of Alice Springs will celebrate native title consent determinations at special sittings of the Federal Court.
Justice Griffiths will hand down two non-exclusive native title consent determinations on Aileron Station on 5 April and one at the Harts Range Racecourse on 6 April.
At the sitting at Harts Range Racecourse he will hand down a determination of native title over the whole of Mt Riddock Station, an area of approximately 2,700 square kilometres.
The determinations of native title over the Aileron Perpetual Pastoral Lease (PPL) and the area including the mineral lease known as Nolan Bore will be held at Pretty Camp Dam on Aileron Station.
They relate to an area of approximately 4,210 square kilometres.
Central Land Council chair Francis Kelly said the determinations recognise native title rights, such as the rights to hunt and gather on the land and waters and to conduct cultural activities and ceremonies.
“It will also give the native title holders the right to negotiate about exploration and mining activities,” Mr Kelly said.
The native title determinations will also recognise their rights to negotiate about exploration and mining activities on their land.
These rights will co-exist with those of the Mt Riddock and Aileron lease holders, who will continue to run the properties as cattle stations.
The Aileron native title holders are of the Alhankerr [al-HUNG-kera], Atwel/Alkwepetye [a-TOOL-a/al-KOOP-pitch], Ilkewarn [ill-ka-WART-na], Kwaty [quot-JA], Mpweringke [m-PURR-ring-ka], Ntyerlkem/Urapentye [n-JERL-kema/yuara-pen-JA] and Tywerl [JEW-la] land holding groups
Nolan Bore native title holders belong to the Kwaty [quot-JA] and Tywerl [JEW-la] land holding groups, while the Mt Riddock native title holders belong to the Atwele [a-TOOL-a], IIrrelerre [ira-LEER-ra], Ulpmerre [UPL-mer-ra] and Wartharre [WARA-tara] land holding groups.
The Irretyepwenty Ywentent Pwert [air-rich-a-PUNJ yun-TINT a-PUTA] Aboriginal Corporation will hold the native title rights and interests for Aileron PPL while the Kwaty [quot-JA] Aboriginal Corporation holding will hold the native title rights and interests for Nolan Bore.
The Tywele [JEW-la] Aboriginal Corporation will hold the native title rights and interests for Mt Riddock PPL.