Murnkurrumurnkurru Rangers

The Murnkurrumurnkurru Rangers began as a pilot project in 2010 in response to sustained requests from traditional owners and CLC delegates from the far northwest of our region. Funding came from the NT Ecolink initiative, with supplementary support from Territory Natural Resource Management (TNRM) and the Australian Government.
The pilot sought to evaluate the viability of a permanent ranger group in Dagaragu to provide opportunities for traditional owner elders and young people to work in land management. The group had strong support from the Victoria—Daly Shire Council, which provided accommodation for a project coordinator and other resources, and from the NT Parks and Wildlife Commission and local schools. Ecolink extended its support until we sourced more secure funding through the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC). That’s when the Murnkurrumurnkurru Rangers progressed from pilot to established group.