The Central Land Council wants 14 October to become a date of which Australians from all walks of life can be very proud.
“Let’s make this a date on which future generations will look back and remember that they are doing so much better since they stopped ignoring the solutions our people have to offer,” CLC chief executive Lesley Turner said.
“Let them remember that was because the country decided to hear what our people have to say before laws and policies are made that affect them.
“Nowhere will this be more obvious than in the Northern Territory, where our people desperately want to be heard because, right now, they are going backwards.”
“14 October will become the anniversary when we will celebrate how we started to turn around what wasn’t working and when we began our united, respectful and successful journey towards a better future,” he said.
The CLC’s 90 elected grass roots members represent remote communities across the southern half of the Northern Territory and overwhelmingly support a Yes vote in the referendum.
“Our council has called for a voice for decades, yet lately the people they represent have been subjected to an unprecedented scare campaign about the referendum,” Mr Turner said.
“We will continue our community information campaign about the voice, dispel misinformation and disinformation, and help our constituents to enrol ahead of the referendum.
“We will also get ready for what will be a historic council meeting on 3-5 October at the Yulara Pulka homeland near Uluru, where the last leg of this long journey started in 2017.”
Contact: Sophia Willcocks | 0488 984 885|