Native title holders of Central Australia will gather at the Ross River resort for the inaugural Prescribed Body Corporate Regional Forum, on 18-21 June 2019.
The week-long event will support around 140 directors from the 29 PBCs from the Central Land Council region to share their stories, develop their knowledge and skills, and obtain a greater understanding of the opportunities native title can provide.
“This unprecedented event has been tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of remote native title holders,” said the CLC’s manager of native title, Francine McCarthy.
“It will give PBC directors an opportunity to network, learn more about PBCs, and have a stronger voice for their country.”
The Central Land Council, the National Native Title Council and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet have been working closely to bring the forum to Central Australia.
“It will be a unique event to deliver valuable information to PBC Directors about the range of funding and support available across Government and assist in organisational development,” said Jamie Lowe, acting CEO of the National Native Title Council.
A prescribed body corporate is a corporation required to be nominated by a group of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples to hold and manage their native title rights and interests when that group has succeeded in having their native title recognised in a Federal Court determination.
“I am excited to learn about the roles of PBCs and to get a better understanding of how PBCs work,” said Nikkita Crafter, member of the Patta Aboriginal Corporation.
The CLC will take this opportunity to introduce the recently established PBC Support Unit and gain invaluable feedback from PBC Directors on issues and challenges encountered.