The Granites Mine Affected Area Aboriginal Corporation (GMAAAC) provides the largest income stream of our community development program. The funds compensate nine Tanami communities for the social impacts of the Granites gold mines.

Our Aboriginal Associations Management Centre supported the GMAAAC since 1991, but our community development program was better equipped to bring sustainable community benefits consistent with the corporation’s rules and objectives. So, in 2008, it was added to our suite of groundbreaking community development projects.
Half of the GMAAAC’s income is invested for after the mine’s closure, and the remainder is divided between the nine communities for community benefit projects.
Each community elects a committee to prioritise, plan and fund projects. Our community development unit facilitates this work and helps the committees to increase their governance capacity.
The committees elect 18 directors who oversee the corporation’s investments.
Between 2008 and 2022, they invested more than $80 million in community benefit projects. These projects aim to improve access to health and essential services, education, employment and training, promote Aboriginal self-management and support language and culture.
Some recent examples are Lajamanu’s water park, a ‘cultural mapping’ project in Willowra, cemetery research projects in Balgo, Billiluna and Ringer Soak, as well as sport facility upgrades in Yuendumu.
GMAAAC – Our Land, Our Projects, Our Future
The GMAAAC Directors commissioned Pintubi, Anmatyerre Warlpiri Media (PAW Media) in 2020 to make a film for the residents that tells the GMAAAC story, celebrates GMAAAC’s achievements and shows them how they can get involved in the corporation’s community projects and governance.
The film was made in collaboration with the nine GMAAAC community committees, the GMAAAC Directors and the Central Land Council Community Development unit staff.