The members and staff of the Central Land Council are deeply saddened by the passing of the esteemed former Anindilyakwa Land Council chair, Mr T Wurramarrba AO.
“Mr Wurramarrba was a remarkable leader and advocate for his people,” CLC chief executive Les Turner said.
“His unwavering dedication to the Anindilyakwa community and his significant contributions to advancing the rights and interests of Indigenous people will always be remembered.
“Throughout his career, Mr Wurramarrba represented the Anindilyakwa people at all levels of government, always focusing on the future,” Mr Turner said.
Mr T Wurramarrba understood that a strong cultural foundation was essential to self-determination. He retired last month after many years of service to the Anindilyakwa people.
He was at the forefront of ALC’s biggest milestones, including the Groote Archipelago Local Decision-Making Agreement, the establishment of the Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation and the return of the Groote Eylandt township lease to community control.
Mr T Wurramarrba played important roles on several boards and committees including, Aboriginal Peak Organisation NT, Miwatj Health, and the MJD Foundation. He was also a valuable member of the former ABA Advisory Committee.
In 2013, Mr T Wurramarrba was honoured as an Officer of the Order of Australia for his exceptional service to the Indigenous community of the Groote Archipelago.
“Our thoughts are with Mr Wurramarrba’s family, friends and colleagues, especially those at the ALC,” CLC chair Matthew Palmer said.
“He was a great man who profoundly impacted the people of Groote Eylandt and the wider community. He will be remembered with immense respect and admiration.”