The members and staff of the Central Land Council are deeply saddened about the sudden passing of the deputy chair of the Anindilyakwa Land Council, Mr Amagula, in Darwin yesterday.

“Mr Amagula was an impressive young leader, full of plans and passion for his people, and with so much to offer to his country,” CLC chief executive Les Turner said.

“He didn’t let his failing health stop him from joining the chairs of the other Northern Territory land councils as they presented the Barunga Voice Declaration to the Prime Minister in June this year.”

“As a member of the Voice Referendum Engagement Group he was proud of his signature under the declaration and he will be in our hearts and minds as we vote in the referendum.”

Mr Amagula served as deputy chair of the ALC board since 2018.

He was a director of the Aboriginal Sea Company Ltd, the Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation and Miwatj Health.

A former Dhimurru Ranger, he helped to set up the Anindilyakwa Land and Sea Rangers Program on Groote Eylandt and worked at the Gumatj Gulkula Regional Training Centre.

Young people were close to Mr Amagula’s heart.

He championed youth development, juvenile diversion programs and sports coaching.

He also travelled to Europe and North America to facilitate repatriations.

“We have lost a good man in our shared struggle for a better future for our people,” Mr Turner said.

“Our thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues at this difficult time.”

Contact: Elke Wiesmann | 0417 877 579|

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