A meeting of the Northern Land Council and Central Land Council has passed a resolution with overwhelming support endorsing a call to all Australians to support a Voice to Parliament.

It is expected a declaration will be signed by more than 200 representatives of the four Northern Territory Aboriginal land councils at a gathering this week on the traditional lands of the Bagala (Jawoyn) group at Barunga, south-west of Katherine.

Together, the land council members speak with the authority as the elected representatives of tens of thousands of grass roots residents of remote communities, town camps and towns across the Territory.

The text of a declaration will be released after it has been formally presented to the Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Linda Burney MP, following the Minister’s address to the gathering on Friday morning.

Contact: NLC Francine Chinn 0427 031 382 l CLC Elke Wiesmann 0417 877 579

Download the PDF of the joint Media Release