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Senator Price does not speak for us or most Aboriginal people

April 19th, 2023
Type: Media Release

Simpson desert (Northern Territory) Native Title authorisation meeting

April 12th, 2023
Type: Other

CLC mourns towering leader and statesman

April 3rd, 2023
Type: Media Release

Native title determination to help protect sacred salt lake sites from mining

April 3rd, 2023
Type: Media Release

APO NT urges the NT Government to work on solutions to prevent and address the causes of violent crime

March 23rd, 2023
Type: Media Release

CLC congratulates new NT Aboriginal Investment Corporation chair Barbara Shaw

March 20th, 2023
Type: Media Release

Aboriginal rangers to open their hearts and minds to the voice

March 17th, 2023
Type: Media Release

Land Rights News
March 2023

March 9th, 2023
Type: Land Rights News

Tracking country – Warlpiri elders and expert trackers teaching younger generations how to read Country – Monthly news story

March 2nd, 2023
Type: News

Don’t lock community footy out of Alice

March 1st, 2023
Type: Media Release

CLC Submission on Australia’s Critical Minerals Strategy 2023

February 23rd, 2023
Type: Submissions & Reports

CLC submission to the Inquiry into the Extent and Nature of Poverty in Australia

February 23rd, 2023
Type: Submissions & Reports