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CLC congratulates NLC on appointing the first female land council CEO

March 19th, 2019
Type: Media Release

Remote Kings Canyon communities invest in secondary education

March 7th, 2019
Type: Media Release

Central Land Council Chairman calls for calm on remote housing

March 4th, 2019
Type: Media Release

Land Rights News
March 2019

March 1st, 2019
Type: Land Rights News

Community Development Monitoring Report 2017-2018

March 1st, 2019
Type: Submissions & Reports

Submission Economic development of Northern Australia

March 1st, 2019
Type: Submissions & Reports

Let the treaty talks begin

February 18th, 2019
Type: Media Release

CLC Senate Order Procurement 2018-2019

February 15th, 2019
Type: Submissions & Reports

CLC-NLC Submission Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill

February 7th, 2019
Type: Submissions & Reports

Traditional owners make difficult decisions for animal welfare

January 30th, 2019
Type: Media Release

CLC warns of more emergency feral animal culls

January 24th, 2019
Type: Media Release

The benefits of ranger work

December 12th, 2018
Type: Submissions & Reports