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Submission EPA Guidance on stakeholder engagement and consultation

June 1st, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Submission EPA guidance SER and EIS

June 1st, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Community Development Monitoring Report 2018-2019

June 1st, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Submission on Animal Protection Regulations

May 5th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Submission EPA guidance stakeholder submission and significant variation

May 1st, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Community Development News (Winter 2020)

May 1st, 2020
Type: Community Development News

Stay home or face two weeks’ quarantine in town

April 27th, 2020
Type: Media Release

No more time to waste: Aboriginal leaders demand a guarantee of affordable goods

April 20th, 2020
Type: Media Release

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act review

April 17th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

APONT submission on NT Aboriginal Justice Agreement

April 17th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

ANNEXURE A Central Land Council EPBC Act Submission

April 16th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Food security alert: remote communities will defy stay home orders

April 2nd, 2020
Type: Media Release