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CLC Corporate Plan 2020-2024

August 1st, 2020
Type: Corporate Plan

Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory: New National Agreement on Closing the Gap

July 30th, 2020
Type: Media Release

NT land councils: governments must commit to new community housing model

July 29th, 2020
Type: Media Release

NT Land Councils: election must be a watershed for protection of remote drinking supply

July 29th, 2020
Type: Media Release

Peak NT Aboriginal orgs: Raise the Rate and create jobs to lift NT Aboriginal people out of poverty

July 14th, 2020
Type: Media Release

APONT Submission to the Inquiry into the CEA (Fair rep of the NT) Bill

July 10th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

APONT Submission Inquiry into food pricing and food security in remote communities

July 9th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Submission to Federal Inquiry NT electoral representation

July 9th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Land Rights News
July 2020

July 1st, 2020
Type: Land Rights News

APONT Submission to Homelessness Inquiry

July 1st, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports

Northern Territory land councils want borders to stay closed

June 25th, 2020
Type: Media Release

APONT Submission COVID 19 Senate Inquiry

June 4th, 2020
Type: Submissions & Reports