Source: SBS News

Central Land Council chief executive Les Turner has welcomed today’s federal government election promise of a price cap on 30 essential items sold by remote community stores.

“This is great news for our people, Mr Turner said.

“They have been crying out about unaffordable food and other essentials in their communities. For many years they have struggled with prices that are 40 per cent higher than at the major supermarkets in town.”

“We can’t beat the epidemic of diabetes, kidney disease and rheumatic fever that is shortening our lives if we can’t afford healthy food.”

Mr Turner urged the Coalition to take a bipartisan approach to food security.

“We are asking the opposition to match Labor’s promise or tell us what their policy solutions are.”

The CLC has advocated strongly for policy solutions such as boosting remote incomes, freight subsidies and price caps.

Late last year it made a major submission to the National Remote Food Strategy.

“This week we feel that our voices are finally being heard,” Mr Turner said.

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